SFR 122: My New Auto Webinar Stats…


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Yup, I just changed up the whole funnel. Here’s what happened

What’s going on, everyone? This is Steve Larsen and you’re listening to Sales Funnel Radio.

I’ve spent the last four years learning from the most brilliant marketers today. And now, I’ve left my 9-5 to take the plunge and build my million dollar business. The real question is, “How will I do it without VC funding or debt? Completely from scratch?”

This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me and follow along as I learn, apply, and share marketing strategies to grow my online business using only today’s best internet sales funnels.

My name is Steve Larsen and welcome to Sales Funnel Radio. What’s up guys? I hope you like my new intro. Just had several of you guys reach out actually and say that you like it. And so, it means a lot. I take a long time to write those kinds of scripts when I know that I’m gonna hear them a billion times probably. But, I wanted to create more of a journey. More of a … Anyway, I’ve talked about that a little bit in the past.

I wanted to share with you a little bit more about my webinar and what I’ve been doing to it. I did a lot of stuff this week. It’s been a crazy week. There were two days this week where I almost stayed up a full 24 hours just getting stuff done and working on it and the different aspects that I needed to crank out. It was ridiculous. And, I do not recommend that.

In fact, I always think it’s kind of weird when people are like, “Yeah, hashtag the hustle.” You know? And, they stay up 24 hours all the time. But, it just wrecks your next day anyway. So, that never makes sense to me. Be smart with your health. Don’t do that too often.

Hey, what I want to share with you though is more about the webinar and the actual stats. I automated it. I already automated it. I know that a lot of people will probably ask me, “Steven, you always say to do it for seven months.” Well, here’s the thing. Before I actually launched the webinar, I tested it like crazy. I knew the messages were gonna work. I knew the offer was gonna work. It was all already tested before I actually pushed the button. You know what I mean?

And so, I didn’t start from complete scratch when I started to do my live webinars. I did it maybe 12 times and I still, that final time, I was still using the original script. And so, here’s the thing guys. You gotta understand this. This is how I look at the webinar.

This is the three phases of launching any product. The three phases…

And, I didn’t realize that this is what I do or even that Russell, that this is what he does, but this is what it is. We first … This is three spots. We first figure out a sales message. Understand that I said, “Sales Message”. I did not say, “Offer”. I did not say, “Funnel”.

Now, 99% of the time Russell already knows what the sales message is going to be. He’s done it so well. He’s done it for so long. But, he understands right from the get go without really even thinking about it. He kind of starts from this place of sales message. Meaning, if he can sell it then we’ll go make the offer. And, he already starts from those places …

So, this is how I did my webinar. My webinar. Phase number one is all about creating the sales message. I don’t give a crap about the actual product or the offer until I know that I can sell the thing. Right? Does that make sense? And, I know a lot of people say, “Well, duh, Steven.”

Well, most of us don’t do that though. We actually turn around and we’re like, “Hey, what am I gonna sell?” Wrong question. The question is, “How will I sell it?” And, the problem is that when you start with an offer, when you actually start with the offer, the problem is that you become tethered by the offer when you’re creating the sales message. Does that make sense?

You create restrictions. You’re not free. You’re not liquid…

You’re not fluid to create whatever sales message you want…

So, what I have been doing for a solid probably year before I actually launched my webinar, what I did is I actually went and I started testing the sales message. I created an entire second podcast show about it. And, I just started dropping out the stories. And, the ones that really resonated, I kind of took note of that. And, I was like, “Huh. That’s the one that did it over here. Huh.

Oh, that’s interesting. That’s the story that did it over here. Interesting. Oh, wow. They really like this one and they hated that one.” And, I started testing sales message. Also, my story.

And, when we actually get the story down, when we get the sales message down, whatever it is that gets people’s butts out of their chairs and their wallets, and credit card in your hand, then you create an offer that fulfills the promises that you made in the sales message. Does that make sense?

When you actually find the sales message that gets…


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