Pepsi Cola Co: Web marketing strategies

We did a presentation about Web Marketing Strategies for Pepsi Cola Co. In our presentation we are going to talk about creator and the products occupied one-third soft drink market in the U.S. Micro targets include: performance, value, customers’ needs and workplace. Macro target include: successful advertisements to target 12 to 21 years old teens through using type A&B to celebrities. The Pepsi Company also use some social media likes Twitter and Facebook for their business. Pepsi Company does operate with Yahoo that could help to make their business more successful. Pepsi creates promotions tailored to their needs and interests, good advertisements and something new to attract customers. Definitions of successful: profit, growing customer base, customer/employee and owner satisfaction. Benefits: sale conversion, value of increased traffic and depth of engagement. In conclusion, Pepsi did very good outstanding achievement than last year.
WEI DING 0401453
Mansour Alshenaifi 0466615

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