Morgan Freeman Returns to Work Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

Morgan Freeman

Back to Work

5/31/2018 9:45 AM PDT

Morgan Freeman‘s keeping his head down — as he fights back against the sexual harassment allegations — and focusing on his J-O-B … making movies.

The actor was spotted on set of “The Poison Rose” Wednesday in Savannah, Georgia … carrying on with filming his scenes the week after CNN reported multiple women are accusing him of sexual misconduct.

As we reported … Freeman’s lawyers lashed out at CNN, calling the story “the product of malicious intent, falsehoods, slight-of-hand, an absence of editorial control, and journalistic malpractice.” CNN says it stands by its story.

‘Poison Rose’ also stars John Travolta, Peter Stormare, and Kat Graham … but Morgan’s colorful trucker hat definitely makes him stand out on set.

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