Matt Barnes is Not Welcome at Derek Fisher's Wedding, Says Ex-Wife Gloria Govan

Matt Barnes

Not Welcome at Derek Fisher’s Wedding

… Says Ex-Wife

5/21/2018 4:32 AM PDT


Matt Barnes will “absolutely not” be in attendance when his ex-wife, Gloria Govan, marries Derek Fisher … so says Gloria, who claims the ex-NBA stars are still NOT on great terms. 

Remember, Barnes congratulated Govan and Fisher after they got engaged back in April — saying he’s happy for the couple because his kids have grown to love him. 

But Govan says the relationship between the former Lakers teammates is still not great — and Matt’s presence would be “really awkward.”

“[Matt] and Derek aren’t cool,” Govan said … “They’re cordial. I wouldn’t say ‘beef’ but they don’t talk every week.”

It’s about what you’d expect … considering Matt and Derek famously fought back when Derek began dating Gloria a few years ago. 

Govan closed with some advice to Matt … don’t waste your time buying a wedding gift either, because “I will throw that gift away.”

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