Internet Marketing SEO: How I Use SEO to GROW My Business AND Make More Money [EXCLUSIVE]

Marketing your business through the internet with SEO is a critical component to any successful marketing strategy today. Leveraging the power of SEO to market your business online is completely free AND can generate thousands of leads over time (if you know how to optimize your website for search engines effectively!).

In this video I will cover my framework for how I architect my internet marketing SEO strategy and how I think about ranking sites in search engines such as Google. I show you where to start, what tools I use to achieve this and how I think about building an organic SEO strategy.

I start with the tool I use to publish content on my website (wordpress) and how I setup my hosting through my provider (wpengine). I then move on to showing an in-depth example of how I conduct keyword research and get ideas for what to produce content about. I then wrap up the video with my thoughts on some advanced tools (ahrefs) and how to go about building links to your website.

Be warned, search engine optimization is not a “quick results” type of marketing strategy. If that is what you are after then you should not be embarking on the SEO journey. SEO takes a lot of time, effort, skill, and dedication to see any kind of real results. However, when you combine organic SEO techniques and other internet marketing strategies such as paid advertising, you can drive real, qualified leads to your business regularly and on a predictable basis.


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