How To Actually Profit From Online Marketing (Hint: It's Not How You Think)

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You’ve heard that one before, right?

Do you see these videos of people making HUGE claims on to make money from online marketing all over your newsfeed?

They are everywhere. I see these videos almost every day.

When they pop up – I doubt the simplicity of the claims they are making but, often, I continue to watch on.

Have you found yourself doing this also?

If you’re like me, you watch on because you want the results they are speaking about.

You want to be able to make money for your business using online marketing.

Well, it is 100% possible, but it isn’t as easy as these videos make it out to be.

A successful online marketing campaign doesn’t start by learning some new “tactic” or “strategy” or “hack.”

To make money with online marketing for your business, it starts with a fundamental understanding of maths.

Understanding the numbers in your business and the numbers associated with your strategy (everything online is measurable) is the foundation of how to make money with online marketing.

If you don’t understand your numbers or you aren’t even tracking your numbers than how can you know if your efforts have been profitable?

Acting this way will be like 99% of business owners out there who waste money with online marketing.

These business owners get involved in an online marketing campaign and invest money without a complete plan.

They don’t know what you need to understand the following if you are to be successful:
– The numbers in your business
– The maths of your campaign
– Have an accurate way to track the results
– How to combine all of this information to measure if you’re campaign has been a success or not.

This preliminary work is to be performed before investing.

You might be thinking – “that sounds excellent Aarron, but I don’t know how to do this?

Well, in this video, that is what I’m going to show you.

For the past 4-years, I have been working hard to crack the code on how to systematically make money for service businesses using online marketing.

I’ve invested $97000+ into my personal development and education to find the answers.

Through all of this study and experience, I have noticed several patterns and guiding principals which go beyond technology and tap into the fundamental truth of marketing.

One of these principals is the need to understand your numbers as a business owner and how significant the “Life Time Value” of a client calculation is.

This video dives deep into the “Life Time Value” calculation, and it shows an example of this calculation and other data being used to draft a profitable online marketing strategy for a local service business.

????: The example in this video is for a Dentist in Albany, Western Australia so if you know a dentist in this location – please tag them

If you want to make money online – the Life Time Value calculation in this video will be a game-changer to how you look at your business and your numbers.

If you’re a service business owner – the strategy we use as an example here will also apply to you because this is the exact strategy that we have used dozens of times to add thousands of dollars in net profits with our clients.

This information in this video is the summary of thousands of dollars invested in education, countless hours of work and a lot of mistakes.

If you’ve made it this far, there is a reason for it.

Something inside you has drawn you to the words on this post.

Watch the video attached.

Get an in-depth look into one way to make money with online marketing and get a formula you can use to understand the lifetime value of your customers.

If you watch this video, are a service business owner and would like our help with:
– Understanding the numbers in your business
– Evaluating your market to see if this strategy would work for you
– Would like our help with generating leads

Reach out in the comments below to book in an appointment.

Thanks for making it this far and I look forward to speaking to you soon.

– Aarron

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