Free Digital Marketing from IIM student

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Free Digital Marketing from IIM student” program or offering. IIMs (Indian Institutes of Management) are prestigious business schools in India, and it’s possible that a student or group of students from one of the IIMs may be providing some free digital marketing resources or training. However, without more context, I can’t confirm or describe any particular program.
In general, when students or institutions offer free educational resources, it could involve things like:

Online courses, webinars or video tutorials covering various digital marketing topics like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, etc.
Written guides, e-books or blog posts sharing digital marketing tips, strategies and case studies.
Hands-on workshops or practical training sessions on tools and platforms used for digital marketing.
Mentorship programs where students get guidance from experts in running digital marketing campaigns.
Access to a community forum or group for discussing digital marketing trends and best practices.

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