5 Legitimate Ways To Make Money From Home

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This is David Espino, the InfoBoss, and today I’m going to answer a question that is very commonly asked on the Internet. The question is “what are some legitimate ways to make extra money from home?” Now I’ve been in the work from home business for about 18 years now. I’ve seen it all. I’ve probably done it all and I can tell you there are five primary ways that are legitimate ways that you can make money from home. I covered all five of those in my book called Monetize Yourself.

Number one is ecommerce ecommerce, and the best way to do ecommerce now is selling on Amazon using Amazon’s FBA program. FBA stands for fulfillment by Amazon. The beautiful thing about this program is you find merchandise to sell. You do your research ahead of time to make sure that you’re going to make a profit on it. You ship everything to Amazon and then Amazon does the selling, shipping, packing, and everything for you. Now that’s a beautiful business model when you really learn how to do it. Well. Many people know me from Ebay and they know that I’m the Ebay expert, but I would say that today in 2018 the Amazon Fba program is far better than selling on Ebay. There’s just no question about it. There’s so many benefits to it and it can be a highly profitable business. See, the negatives with Ebay is that you had to do the shipping. With Amazon Fba, Amazon does the shipping for you and it saves you so much time that it allows you to go out and find better deals on merchandise that you can flip to Amazon.

The next method is freelancing. Now freelancing is where you actually do tasks online for other people, so maybe you’re really good at transcribing documents. Maybe you’re really good at doing billing or accounting or things like that. Maybe you’re really good at doing marketing for small businesses and things like that. All of these things you can do as a freelancer, and there are freelancing websites out there where you can find those kinds of gigs that keep you busy all the time and make some decent money. Freelancing as a little bit more like a job. Okay, so it’s not going to pay as much as having your own business, but it is a legitimate way to make money from home. The third way is as an Infopreneur. This is by far my favorite way to do this, and that is by creating a how to course you create a video course showing somebody how to do what you’re good at, or showing somebody how to do something that you’re passionate about.

By doing that, you have now the ability to leverage yourself. It’s kinda like you’ve cloned yourself, and now you’re able to be in multiple places all at one time. So I’ve created over 60 online courses, and right now those 60 online are being consumed by students in 183 countries. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it, and creating one online course has allowed me to duplicate myself all around the world. When you attach that to a sales funnel, which is a process to sell your course in an automated way, then you’ve got truly passive income and passive income is what I live for. It’s so exciting to get paid whether you’re working or not, whether you’re asleep, whether you’re shopping, no matter what you’re doing.

Number four is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an incredible way to monetize yourself because you can refer other people’s products to an audience; either to your audience, to an email list, to a Facebook group, to people that you know. By referring other people’s products to your audience, you get paid a commission. What’s awesome about this is there’s no customer service required. You don’t have to deal with customers at all. You’re simply referring people using your special link, and you get credit for all those commissions that are made.

Finally number five way is offline marketing. Offline marketing is where you help local business owners do some simple digital marketing to bring in more sales. One of the easiest ways to do that is to just run facebook ads for local businesses. Learning how to run facebook ads is not that difficult. In fact I have some courses on that, but running facebook ads for local businesses is super easy to do.

So those are the five legitimate ways to make an income from home. I’ll see you next time.


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