#12 Virtual Coffee ☕️ Connection Meet Up – Belly to Belly Vs Internet Marketing in MLM

Our Connection Coffee Meet Ups are mean’t for all of us to come together and socialize throughout COVID-19, and usually due to all the Entrepreneurs on our calls, it ends up turning into a Business Mastermind and feeding each other what we crave most! How to Win Big with our Online Businesses!

On Today’s Call we had a bunch of Network Marketers share their Stories, their personal Journey and really what has worked for them throughout their Experience. Each person gave us their insight on building their Network Marketing Business Face to Face (Belly to Belly) vs the Online Way (Internet Marketing). These guys also LOVE TO TRAVEL, so they shared with us where they are Traveling to Next after Covid-19 is over.

Note to the Entrepreneur watching this Recording – We want Success so Bad, that if we do not get what we came for; we self-sabotage ourselves and take our Success that we don’t see away and we are left with nothing but the feeling of shame and failure. Your an Entrepreneur and regardless of the UPS & DOWNS, you are an individual taking Risks every single day to make yourself better and others better. Note to self – Reward yourself for the Activity that you do consistently overtime. Success does not come over night.

Hey Travel Bosses!

1. Get a Note Pad and Pen and take Notes on what we are talking about so it can help you Grow & Scale your Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Mobile-Preneur Online Business.

2. Join our Free Travel Boss Secrets Facebook Group Here:

3. Start your Free 14 Day Trial with us & the Networker Pro All-in-1 Platform to Grow, Scale, Look like a Professional and Market your Online Business:

4. Fill out our Travel Boss Survey so we can send you more information on how my wife and I Travel the World for less with first class service and grow a Residual Income while doing it.

Thanks for Tuning in Travel Boss!

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