Meagan Good to Colin Kaepernick, Let's Do a Movie Together!

Meagan Good

To Kaepernick

Let’s Do a Movie Together!!!

4/22/2019 12:50 AM PDT


If Colin Kaepernick is trying to get that Hollywood money … Meagan Good says she’s ALL IN — telling TMZ Sports, “I’ll do a movie with him!!”

Of course, Kaepernick’s having trouble finding work these days … even after he settled his lawsuit with the NFL — league owners still don’t seem to want to give him a shot at playing QB.

Enter the “Shazam!” actress … who tells us she would LOVE to see Kaepernick take up acting if he decides to officially hang up his football cleats.

“I just think Kaepernick is amazing and pray for him to continue to just have the platform that he has whatever way that he has, and if he wants to act, dude, he can do it!”

Unclear what their roles would be in a future flick … but we know Kap has SOME level of comfortability behind the camera — ‘memba his famous Nike commercial??

Soooo, as Good says … “Sup Kaepernick?!”

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