Internet Marketing Strategies -The Key To Success Is Self Knowledge

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Internet Marketing Strategies

What strategies are you using to build your internet marketing empire?

Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Paid Advertising, Solo Ads or Instagram.

Personally I think when someone figures out how to successfully market on Vine they will kill the game. However lets not get distracted.

The most important part of any Internet Marketing Strategy is you. If you are no the right person for the particular strategy that you are pursuing , you will struggle until you become the right person.

Let me give you an example.

Lets say you hate math and will avoid doing math at all costs.
Paid Advertising and Solo Advertising may not be for you.


Because you will need to track your metrics to understand how well you advertising is performing.

However you hate math, so you just run you add without understanding the metrics.

You will lose your ass moving like this.

Another example.
You hate Facebook and do not spend much time on the platform. However you buy a Facebook marketing product which instructs you to talk to 10 people a day Facebook chatting.

You hate Facebook …..remember

So you do not utilize the training and you struggle to build your Internet business.

When you pick a internet marketing strategy you need to take stock of yourself.

Who are you as person, what is your personality, skill set , strength and weaknesses?

The strategy you pick needs to match up with who you are.

If you are a introverted person why are you choosing a strategy that will require to be a extrovert overnight.

Once I found a strategy that matched my personality, my business took off.

Currently I use solo ads to build my business and I am about to go into paid advertising.

David W. Williams

‘Industry Outsider”
skype: dwwilli


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