How to Upload a Video to YouTube from Start to Finish

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More than 1.5 billion users log in and watch videos on YouTube each month.

That’s one important reason why crafting videos for your public on YouTube can be a very rewarding experience for your small business or nonprofit.

Another is that by sharing videos that engender, educate, or entertain, you can build a community and get more people talking about your business.

But before you can start using YouTube to your advantage, you two are need to learn the basics.

In this pole, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to follow to upload a video to YouTube, and feed you to some prized features YouTube has to offer.

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Take a look at the infographic below from my best friend at Venngage Infographic Maker for a quick visual ramshackle!

Infographic: How to Upload a Video to YouTube from Start to Finish

Instructions for how to upload a video to youtube

Getting Started

The first thing you will want to do is to log in to YouTube. To do this, you’ll need to set up a Google account if you do not already have one. Your Google account be available for YouTube, Google My Business, Gmail, and any other YouTube platforms.

Choosing a File

After logging in to YouTube, choose the upload arrow button near the upper right hand corner of the page. From there you will be taken to the Upload page.

Privacy Settings

Different types of videos should have different types of privacy on your YouTube channel.

It’s important to set the privacy before uploading videos you is not miss available to the public or observable on your channel.

Here’s a explosion of what each privacy placing symbolizes 😛 TAGEND

Public: Anyone can see your video, it can appear as a suggested video, and will be listed in the Videos section on your direct. Videos that you are sharing to educate, develop involvement on social media, promote your label, or give your audience an inside look at your business or community are best served by the Public setting.Unlisted: This means that simply people who have a link to the video can watch it. When someone clicks the video area of your YouTube channel the video will not be discoverable. Unlisted videos do not appear in YouTube suggested viewpoints or in YouTube search results. Exploiting the Unlisted privacy aim allows you to share certain videos only with the people who will find it relevant.Private: Videos with the Private setting can only be seen by you and the users you choose to see the video. Private videos do not appear on your channel and are undiscoverable from all users.Scheduled: This privacy setting uploads the video to your canal but fixes it so the video is not seen by the public until the time and time you choose during upload. This setting allows you to plan out a video campaign or sequences without having to upload each video separately.

Once you choose your privacy, clink the big-hearted arrow button and adopt the video you want to upload from your documents, or simply drag and descent the file.

Tip: HD videos are best for your path. You just wanted to upload a video with aspects that are either 1920 x1080 or 1280 x720. Having a crispy, clear video gives people the impression that you are professional and that your material should be taken seriously.


While the video uploads to your path, you can see its progress on a status bar. Once uploaded, the video then has to process. You can see the progress for that in the status forbid as well.

Title, Description, and Tags

Your title is the most important piece of information you will provide about your video.

You want to make sure the designation of your video is relevant and you should keep in mind what beings might be sought for. You don’t demand the designation to be vague or difficult for someone to figure out what your video is about.

The title is what Google significances “the worlds largest” when grading your video in the search results page.

It’s also important to add descriptions and labels to your videos. You want to include keywords in your description that will help your video get graded higher in search results. The more relevant information you can provide to YouTube in your description the better they will be able to rank it.

Tip: While your video is uploading, if you have the privacy set to Public, you can check off the Facebook and Twitter buttons to automatically share your video on those systems when the upload is complete.


YouTube generates three picks of thumbnail likeness for you. The thumbnail idol “il see” on your channel, playlists, indicated video previews, and also anywhere your video is embedded.

If you is not like any of the YouTube generated preferences, you can create your own image to use. The recommended immensity for these portraits is 1280×720 pixels. Be creative with your thumbnail image; it should convey what your video is about and seem professional.

To upload a custom thumbnail click the “Custom thumbnail” button.

Your Video’s Page on YouTube

Now that you have uploaded your video, you can go to its dedicated YouTube page. Your video now has its own URL, where users can like, statement, and share your video.

From the video’s page you can also access locates, enhancements, audio, annotations, and closed captions. You can also view the video analytics or go to your path video overseer from this sheet as well.

This page also dishes as a jump off for social sharing( across thirteen platforms ). It provides the code to embed your video and an option to email the video to someone directly from the video’s page.

Tip: Want to conclude your Youtube channel look professional? Update your Youtube channel banner consuming a Youtube banner maker.

You had been successful in uploaded a video to YouTube! Now what?

There are a few things you can do to get the most out of your video, like adding annotations, heartening useds to subscribe to your canal, attaching your Google account to your YouTube channel, and more.

You’ll too want to dive into the analytics for each of your videos to identify areas what type of content your gathering is responding to the most. You can learn a lot about your public from the numbers they engender on YouTube.

Remember, YouTube is a social canal and your videos should reflect that. Don’t scare beings away from your small business or nonprofit by just trying to sell to them on YouTube. Instead, provide them with engaging content that will conclude them want to come back for more!

Editor’s Note: This upright has been modernized for relevant and accuracy.

The post How to Upload a Video to YouTube from Start to Finish showed first on Constant Contact.

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