var WEBPATH = ""; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // File: livehelp.js : generated for department : 18 // - This is the client side Javascript file to control the // image shown on the clients website. It should be called // on the clients HTML page as a javascript include such as: // script src="" // This js file will show the image of online.gif if an operator // is online otherwise it will show offline.gif . Also a // second image is placed on the site as a control image // where the width of the image controls the actions made by // the operator to the poor little visitor.. // //----------------------------------------------------------------- // GLOBALS.. //------------ // This is the control image where the width of it controls the // actions made by the operator. cscontrol_18= new Image; popcontrol_18= new Image; popcontrol_182= new Image; popcontrol_183= new Image; keyhundreds_18= new Image; keytens_18= new Image; keyones_18= new Image; keyhundreds_18_value= 0; keytens_18_value= 0; keyones_18_value= 0; place_18 =1; // this is a flag to control if the image is set on the page // yet or not.. var csloaded_18 = false; // just to make sure that people do not just open up the page // and leave it open the requests timeout after 99 requests. var csTimeout_18 = 10; // The id of the page request. var csID_18 = null; // if the operator requests a chat we only want to open one window reguardless of department: var openLiveHelpalready = false; var openDHTMLalready = false; var openDHTMLlayer = false; var ismac = navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac'); // ismac =1; // for debugging mac var defaultlayer = 1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN INCLUDED LIBRARY HIDE / SHOW // detect browser NS4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0; IE4 = (document.all) ? 1 : 0; // W3C stands for the W3C standard W3C = (document.getElementById) ? 1 : 0; function makeVisible ( name ) { var ele; if ( W3C ) { ele = document.getElementById(name); } else if ( NS4 ) { ele = document.layers[name]; } else { // IE4 ele = document.all[name]; } if ( NS4 ) { ele.visibility = "show"; } else { // IE4 & W3C & Mozilla = "visible"; = "inline"; } } function makeInvisible ( name ) { if (W3C) { document.getElementById(name).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById(name).style.display = "none"; } else if (NS4) { document.layers[name].visibility = "hide"; } else { document.all[name].style.visibility = "hidden"; document.all[name] = "none"; } } //END INCLUDED LIBRARY HIDE / SHOW //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN INCLUDED LIBRARY XHTML var xmlhttp = false; var XMLHTTP_supported = false; function gettHTTPreqobj(){ try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e1) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e3) { xmlhttp = false; } } } return xmlhttp; } function loadXMLHTTP() { // account for cache.. randu=Math.round(Math.random()*99); // load a test page page: loadOK('xmlhttp.php?whattodo=ping&rand='+ randu); } function loadOK(fragment_url) { xmlhttp = gettHTTPreqobj();"GET", fragment_url, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { isok = xmlhttp.responseText; if(isok == "OK") XMLHTTP_supported = true; checkXMLHTTP(); } } try { xmlhttp.send(null); } catch(whocares){} } // XMLHTTP ----------------------------------------------------------------- function oXMLHTTPStateHandler() { // only if req shows "loaded" if(typeof oXMLHTTP!='undefined') { if( oXMLHTTP.readyState==4 ) { // 4="completed" if( oXMLHTTP.status==200 ) { // 'OK Operation successful try { resultingtext = oXMLHTTP.responseText; } catch(e) { resultingtext ="error=1;"; } ExecRes(unescape(resultingtext)); delete oXMLHTTP; oXMLHTTP=false; //DEBUG:SetStatus('Response received... Now Processing',0); } else { return false; //DEBUG:alert( "There was a problem receiving the data.\n" // +"Please wait a few moments and try again.\n" // +"If the problem persists, please contact us.\n" // +oXMLHTTP.getAllResponseHeaders() // ); } } } } // Submit POST data to server and retrieve results function PostForm(sURL, sPostData) { oXMLHTTP = gettHTTPreqobj(); if( typeof(oXMLHTTP)!="object" ) return false; oXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = oXMLHTTPStateHandler; try {"POST", sURL, true); } catch(er) { //DEBUG: alert( "Error opening XML channel\n"+er.description ); return false; } oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); try { oXMLHTTP.send(sPostData); } catch(whocares){} return true; } // Submit GET data to server and retrieve results function GETForm(sURL) { oXMLHTTP = gettHTTPreqobj(); if( typeof(oXMLHTTP)!="object" ) return false; oXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = oXMLHTTPStateHandler; try {"GET", sURL, true); } catch(er) { //DEBUG: alert( "Error opening XML channel\n"+er.description ); return false; } try { oXMLHTTP.send(null); } catch(whocares){} return true; } // getting started: xmlhttp = gettHTTPreqobj(); //END INCLUDED LIBRARY xmlhttp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //END INCLUDED LIBRARY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function wherecslhisdue_18(){ var layerdoesnotexist_18 = 0; var looking = 'tp://www.sales'+'synt'+'a.c'+'om'; var maccrap = ''; var layerinvitecrap = ''; var x_18=document.getElementById("craftysyntax_18"); if(x_18){ } else { var x_18=document.getElementById("craftysyntax"); if(!(x_18=document.getElementById("craftysyntax"))){ layerdoesnotexist_18 = 1; x_18 = 0; } } if(layerdoesnotexist_18 != 1){ var y_18 = x_18.innerHTML; } else { var y_18 = looking; } // macs do not see images in cache: if (ismac > -1) { randu=Math.round(Math.random()*9999); maccrap = ''; } var newHTML = ''; newHTML = newHTML + '
Live Help
'; if(layerdoesnotexist_18 != 1){ x_18.innerHTML = newHTML + layerinvitecrap + maccrap; } if(layerdoesnotexist_18 == 1){ alert('Sales Sytnax Live Help Error: DIV layer with the id of: craftysyntax_18 does not exist. This is needed order to put the live help icon on your page. please add
[[your javascript for your live help ]]
around your live help code'); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // loop though checking the image for updates from operators. function csrepeat_18() { // if the request has timed out do not do anything. if (csTimeout_18 < 1){ return; } else { csTimeout_18--; // update image for requests from operator. csgetimage_18(); // do it again. setTimeout('csrepeat_18()', 10000); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Update the control image. This is the image that the operators // use to communitate with the visitor. function csgetimage_18() { // set a number to identify this page . csID_18=Math.round(Math.random()*9999); randu=Math.round(Math.random()*9999); cscontrol_18 = new Image; locationvar = '' + parent.document.location; locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("=[a-z0-9]{32}","g"),"x=1"); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("[\.]","g"),"--dot--"); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("http://","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("https://","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.substr(0,250); var_title = '' + parent.document.title; var_title = var_title.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); var_title = var_title.substr(0,100); var_referrer = '' + parent.document.referrer; var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("=[a-z0-9]{32}","g"),"x=1"); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("[\.]","g"),"--dot--"); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("http://","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("https://","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.substr(0,250); var u_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=userstat' + '&page=' + escape(locationvar) + '&randu=' + randu + '&pageid=' + csID_18 + '&department=' + 18 + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&title=' + escape(var_title) + '&referer=' + escape(var_referrer) + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; // alert(u_18); if (ismac > -1){ document.getElementById("imageformac_18").src= u_18; document.getElementById("imageformac_18").onload = cslookatimage_18; } else { cscontrol_18.src = u_18; cscontrol_18.onload = cslookatimage_18; } } // looks at the size of the control image and if the width is 55 // then open the chat. //----------------------------------------------------------------- function cslookatimage_18(){ if(typeof(cscontrol_18) == 'undefined' ){ return; } if (ismac > -1){ w_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18").width; } else { w_18 = cscontrol_18.width; } // if the browser is dumb: if((ismac > -1) && (w_18 == 0)){ makeVisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); w_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18").width; makeInvisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); } // pop up window: if ((w_18 == 55) && (openLiveHelpalready != 1)) { openWantsToChat_18(); openLiveHelpalready = 1; } // layer invite: if ((w_18 == 25) && !(openDHTMLalready)) { loadKey_18(); } delete cscontrol_18; cscontrol_18 = new Image; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // opens live help function openLiveHelp(department) { if(openDHTMLlayer == 1){ makeInvisible('layerinvite_18'); } openDHTMLlayer = 0; openDHTMLalready = true; csTimeout_18=0; + 'livehelp.php?department=' + department + '&website=0&&cslheg=1&serversession=1', 'chat54050872', 'width=600,height=450,menubar=no,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); } function getKeys_18(){ if (ismac > -1){ w3_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18_hun").width; w2_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18_ten").width; w1_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18_one").width; if(w1_18 == 0){ makeVisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); w1_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18_one").width; makeInvisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); } if(w2_18 == 0){ makeVisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); w2_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18_ten").width; makeInvisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); } if(w3_18 == 0){ makeVisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); w3_18 = document.getElementById("imageformac_18_hun").width; makeInvisible('imagesfordumbmac_18'); } } else { w3_18 = keyhundreds_18.width; w2_18 = keytens_18.width; w1_18 = keyones_18.width; } if(w1_18<100) w1_18 = 100; if(w2_18<100) w2_18 = 100; if(w3_18<100) w3_18 = 100; // alert('w1='+w1+'w2='+w2+'w3='+w3); total = ((w3_18-100)*100) + ((w2_18-100)*10) + (w1_18-100); // alert(total); openDHTML_18(total); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // gets primary key of layerinvite sent using 3 images.. could use XML HTTP // but this is more compatable... function loadKey_18(){ randu=Math.round(Math.random()*9999); if(place_18 == 3){ var u3_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=getlayerinvite&whatplace=hundreds' + '&randu=' + randu + '&department=' + 18 + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; if (ismac > -1){ document.getElementById("imageformac_18_hun").src= u3_18; document.getElementById("imageformac_18_hun").onload = getKeys_18; } else { keyhundreds_18.src = u3_18; keyhundreds_18.onload = getKeys_18; } } if(place_18 == 2){ place_18 = 3; var u2_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=getlayerinvite&whatplace=tens' + '&randu=' + randu + '&department=' + 18 + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; if (ismac > -1){ document.getElementById("imageformac_18_ten").src= u2_18; document.getElementById("imageformac_18_ten").onload = loadKey_18; } else { keytens_18.src = u2_18; keytens_18.onload = loadKey_18; } } if(place_18 == 1){ place_18 = 2; var u1_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=getlayerinvite&whatplace=ones' + '&randu=' + randu + '&department=' + 18 + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; if (ismac > -1){ document.getElementById("imageformac_18_one").src= u1_18; document.getElementById("imageformac_18_one").onload = loadKey_18; } else { keyones_18.src = u1_18; keyones_18.onload = loadKey_18; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // opens DHTML help function openDHTML_18(total) { var html = ''; if (total == 1) html = '' if (total == 2) html = '' if (total == 3) html = '' if (total == 4) html = '' if (total == 5) html = '' if (total == 6) html = ' ' if (total == 7) html = '' if (total == 8) html = '' //alert(html); makeVisible('layerinvite_18'); var w_18=document.getElementById('layerinvite_18'); w_18.innerHTML = html; var u_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=changestat' + '&towhat=invited' + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; popcontrol_182.src = u_18; stillopen = 1; setTimeout('moveDHTML_18()', 9); openDHTMLalready = true; openDHTMLlayer = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // opens DHTML help function closeDHTML() { makeInvisible('layerinvite_18'); openDHTMLlayer = 0; stillopen = 0; var u4_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=changestat' + '&towhat=stopped' + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; popcontrol_183.src = u4_18; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // opens DHTML help function moveDHTML_18() { if(stillopen==1){ if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1){ myWidth = window.pageXOffset; myHeight = window.pageYOffset } else { myWidth = document.body.scrollLeft; myHeight = document.body.scrollTop; } slidingDiv = document.getElementById('layerinvite_18'); gox = parseInt(; goy = parseInt(; // alert('x:'+gox); // alert('y:'+goy); // done 3 times to move 3 times faster: if(gox < myWidth+200){ gox++; } if(gox > myWidth+200){ gox--; } if(goy < myHeight+160){ goy++; } if(goy > myHeight+160){ goy--; } if(gox < myWidth+200){ gox++; } if(gox > myWidth+200){ gox--; } if(goy < myHeight+160){ goy++; } if(goy > myHeight+160){ goy--; } if(gox < myWidth+200){ gox++; } if(gox > myWidth+200){ gox--; } if(goy < myHeight+160){ goy++; } if(goy > myHeight+160){ goy--; } // alert('x:'+gox); // alert('y:'+goy); = gox + "px"; = goy + "px"; if(goy!= parseInt(myWidth+200) ) setTimeout('moveDHTML_18()', 7); else setTimeout('moveDHTML_18()', 9000); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // The Operator wants to chat with the visitor about something. function openWantsToChat_18() { // ok we asked them .. now lets not ask them again for awhile... locationvar = '' + parent.document.location; locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("=[a-z0-9]{32}","g"),"x=1"); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("[\.]","g"),"--dot--"); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("http://","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("https://","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.substr(0,250); var_title = '' + parent.document.title; var_title = var_title.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); var_title = var_title.substr(0,100); var_referrer = '' + parent.document.referrer; var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("=[a-z0-9]{32}","g"),"x=1"); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("[\.]","g"),"--dot--"); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("http://","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("https://","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.substr(0,250); var u_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?' + 'what=browse' + '&page=' + escape(locationvar) + '&title=' + escape(var_title) + '&referer=' + escape(var_referrer) + '&pageid=' + csID_18 + '&department=' + 18 + '&cslhVISITOR=' + 'fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; cscontrol_18.src = u_18; // open the window.. + 'livehelp.php?what=chatinsession&department=18&website=0&cslhVISITOR=fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332&cslheg=1&serversession=1', 'chat54050872', 'width=600,height=450,menubar=no,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); } locationvar = '' + parent.document.location; locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("=[a-z0-9]{32}","g"),"x=1"); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("[\.]","g"),"--dot--"); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("http://","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.replace(new RegExp("https://","g"),""); locationvar = locationvar.substr(0,250); var_title = '' + parent.document.title; var_title = var_title.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); var_title = var_title.substr(0,100); var_referrer = '' + parent.document.referrer; var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_)\+\^{}~( ',\.\&\%=/\\?#:-]","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("=[a-z0-9]{32}","g"),"x=1"); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("[\.]","g"),"--dot--"); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("http://","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.replace(new RegExp("https://","g"),""); var_referrer = var_referrer.substr(0,250); var urltohelpimage_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?what=getstate&department=18&nowis=20240508211128&cslhVISITOR=fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&page=' + escape(locationvar) + '&referer=' + escape(var_referrer) + '&title=' + escape(var_title) + '&hide=Y' + '&leaveamessage=' + 'YES' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; var urltocslhimage_18 = WEBPATH + 'image.php?what=getcredit&department=18&nowis=20240508211128&cslhVISITOR=fb91d2bfa773bd95d0b9e9aa5c64e332' + '&xy=' + 'L' + '&page=' + escape(locationvar) + '&referer=' + escape(var_referrer) + '&title=' + escape(var_title) + '&hide=Y' + '&leaveamessage=' + 'YES' + '&cslheg=1&serversession=1'; // macs do not see images in cache: if (ismac > -1) { randu=Math.round(Math.random()*9999); document.write(''); } // Layer invite DIV: randu=Math.round(Math.random()*777); document.write(''); setTimeout('csgetimage_18()', 4000); setTimeout('wherecslhisdue_18()', 2000);