Шестнадцать вещей, которые не следует спрашивать у персонала отеля « $60 Чудо Money Maker

Шестнадцать вещей, которые не следует спрашивать у персонала отеля

Posted On Aug 3, 2021 К администратор С Комментарии отключены на Шестнадцать вещей, которые не следует спрашивать у персонала отеля

Chambermaid making bed at hotel suite

Vacation etiquette

It’s been a long year at home during the pandemic, and for many of us who are newly vaccinated, going on a vacation and staying at a hotel where you don’t have to make the beds or do the dishes yourself is at the top of theto dolist. Однако, COVID has forever changed what’s possible in a hotel stay. We all want to stay at only the cleanest hotels, of course, and we also need to educate ourselves on the gross things hotels do to save money so we’re fully prepared once we get there. But it’s not all about us. We also have to think about the employees at the hotels. Now it’s not just polite but also important for everyone’s safety to banish a few things from our travel vocabularyincluding certain requests that range from annoying to time-consuming to flat-out unsafe. Once you’re up to speed, brush up on thesethings you probably shouldn’t be doing in your hotel room, as well.

The post 16 Things You Shouldn’t Ask Hotel Staff appeared first on Reader's Digest.

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