Gorgeous artworks by Samantha Pierpoint, an independent illustrator and paper ar… « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Gorgeous artworks by Samantha Pierpoint, an independent illustrator and paper ar

Posted On Apr 5, 2019 Por Fran Doolan Com Comentários desativados sobre Gorgeous artworks by Samantha Pierpoint, an independent illustrator and paper ar

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Gorgeous artworks by Samantha Pierpoint, an independent illustrator and paper artist based in the UK. "I handcraft all of my creations from a range of fine quality papers, before photographing and editing the images digitally, to create each finished piece. My work is used both commercially and artistically, for a variety of different purposes ranging from advertising campaigns, magazine covers, editorials, installations, set design, product packaging and window displays. I have produc

Fonte por marzirabiee

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