A Peek Into June at Our House « $60 Miracle Money Maker

A Peek Into June at Our House

Posted On Aug 25, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on A Peek Into June at Our House

Every month in 2019, I’ll be sharing a photographic peek into the previous month. I reviewed this would be fun to give you a behind-the-scenes look at our month and recap some of the high-flowns and lows and special reminiscences of the month.

( I know it’s almost the end of July and I’m just now getting June’s recap up. But hey, better late than never, right ??)


We adored going to the Tennessee State Museum. It’s not a huge museum, but it’s well done and it’s FREE!



After we visited the museum, we went around the Bicentennial Capital Mall State Park. It’s so beautifuland there’s a great deal to see!



The day we exited likewise happened to be Tennessee’s 223 rd birthday.( If we were more organized beings, we would have intentionally meant this!)


The next day, we went to explore a trail at Percy Warner Park. As you can tell from this staged photo, the babies were so thrilled about it.( In their protection, we had trouble feel a good trail and a parking place and drove around for quite a lot longer than we were planning to while everyone was hungry !)


We ended up having such a good time at the common and I’m so glad that we all continued, despite being hangry!


He slapped on our bedroom door one morning in June. It was 7:30 am and Jesse and I had slept in.

When we responded to ask what he needed, he said: “I went up at 5:45 am this morning and got my bath make, my hair determined, and all my morning chores done. What wishes to for breakfast? I don’t have anything else to do so I reflected I could determine you breakfast! ”

20 minutes later, he brought us each a layer with scrambled eggs and a area of Ritz crackers on it.( We’d asked for clambered eggs. The Ritz cracker garnish was his extra touch !)

Mothering is hard work. And many times it can feel thankless and exhausting.

But thenyouve hadminutes like this and you remember that it is worth it!

Mamas, keep going. Keep loving on your newborns. Keep speaking life. Keep teaching and going with your toddlers. Keep hugging and helping your middle schoolers. Keep leaning in and loving on your teenages .
.” Don’t give up! And in the middle of it all, look for and cherish those scrambled egg and Ritz cracker minutes! [?]


I flew to Chicago for a two-day event with some of the companies I work with. I didn’t get mostly any photos there other than this visualize out of my inn apartment. But it was a good trip , nonetheless!


FREE Krispy Kreme doughnuts!


She didn’t have a fishing pole, so she got artistic! And it actually use!

It was free Fishing Day in TN one day in June( no permission needed ), so Jesse made the teenagers fishing. Exclusively, they didn’t have enough fishing poles so go around.


Kathrynne didn’t make that deter her! She found a fasten and rigged up her own “pole” — and culminated up catching 4 fish with it !!!

Maybe you’re facing a situation in life where you feel like you don’t have the right tools or event. Maybe you really want to give up because other people are so much more qualified( and have better fishing pole !)

I encourage you to instead choose to, “Do what you can, with what you’ve went, wherever you! ”

You won’t catch any fish( or ever have any fruit from your effort or forward force) if you give up before you even try!


The Blue Angels were performing at an airshow in a nearby city, so we drove there to see if we could see them! We got there just as the reveal was starting and got to watch them in a parking lots!


It was pretty incredible !!


In June, I too began working in earnest on my next ebook. I utilized this tracker to help me stay on course with my daily name weigh purpose.( By the way, the ebook is my best tips on saving coin on groceries and it will be coming out very soon !)


We desired getting to host three college daughters for a few weeks while they were helping out at a local tent in our range. We invited some additional very good friends for dinner some of the evenings for recreations and fun!


We celebrated Father’s Day by going to a brand-new brunch place that just opened.


My mom was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma recentlyand had to have two surgeries to remove part of her snout and surface by her look and then have bark grafts.

I was able to fly to Dallas( whereshes hadthe surgeries) for her second surgery and got to go in the apartment soon after she was done.

Of course, what does she say almost as soon as she sees me? “Honey, have you had enough to eat today? Do you need to sit down? You must be so tired! ”

And then she’s lying therenot even fully covered uptrying to figure out what food she might have in her luggage to give me !!

Y’all, this is who my parents are.

My dad insisted on staying up late that night to help me with something when he had to be completely exhausted from my mom’s surgery and driving us the 6-hour expedition back from Dallas to Wichita Monday evening.

My mom didn’t actually sleep at all the night after her surgery because she was so unpleasant. So she spent the light praying for, as she said, “people who are in so much worse shape than her”. And then early the next morning, she was on the phone praying for and helping someone who was going through a hard time.

I was supposed to be there assistance my mom recover and both my mothers couldn’t stop worrying about mestarting sure I’m well fed, remained, and comfortablebecause that’s who they are. They merely perform and act and devote and give.

( Speaking of thinking of others, my mama wanted me to post and remind everyone to go to the dermatologist if you have any abnormal distinguish or pain on your skin that isn’t healing. She wishes she had gone to the dermatologist much sooner and she is hopeful that she can help prevent someone else from having to go through all of what she’s having to go through !)


I did get to construct my momma yummy salads to eat!


And I got to help with my brother’s eBay business, more!( It’s been a long time since I’ve done eBay! It brought back so many fun memories from when I used to have an eBay store !)


On the room back home, my sweater got sucked into the TSA conveyor belt and it was quite the humorous affliction to get it out!( If you listen to the podcast and discovered the legend, here’s a visual to go along with it !)



Kaitlynn celebrated her 12 th birthday in June. She and I went out for flattened ice cream and bubble milk tea.

Here’s a letter I writes to her for her birthday 😛 TAGEND

Dear Kaitlynn,

12 years ago this week, you came careening into our lives.

Dad and I were at one of the lowest phases of our wedlock. He was on the brink of losing his job. I was experiencing severe anemia and low-spirited platelet countings and had to be induced early with you because of my poor health.

The first few months of their own lives were rocky at our roomwith me crying and howling at Dad multiple times per day because he had lost his job and I was scared. With him feeling exasperated and emphasized about not being able to find a job and that business were get so close-fisted. I was also crazy tired from having a toddler and a newborn and was( once again) experiencing postpartum depression.

And more, in the middle of all of this stress, there you were. Though Dad and I didn’t agree on a lot during that season, we did agree that you were an incredible baby and that we loved you so very much!

You started intentionally rolling over at 2 week aged and you’ve never stopped moving and pushing yourself since then.

You have always been a fighterfrom the time you were in the womb. You rally to the beat of your own drum and I adore that about you.

You bring so much creativity, allure, laughter, and witticism to our dwelling. You have the best ridicule and one-liners. You also have analytical skills and reasoning far beyond your years.

You have the tenderest heart for the “under dogs”. You give the most creative and pithy gifts. And you are always teaching me things I didn’t know( like yesterday’s lesson on Boba and Bubble Tea !)

You are brave and fierce, hitherto tender and honest. And some of my favorite recognitions from the past year have been our heart to heart discourses together about life.

You are one ofthe worlds largestoffering, intense, peculiar souls I’ve ever met and being your mummy is one of the greatest privileges ofpeoples lives”!

Keep being all the God has become you to beeven if you feel like sometimes you don’t fit in because of it. Keep seeking Him and extending your relationship with Him. He loves you more than you can imagine!

You were born to stand out and be a bright light in a injure world-wide. Shine on!

Love, Mom


And then we left for Iceland !!








I have SO MUCH I could say about our journey to Iceland. Would you be interested in a separate post about that journey? It takes me hours to put together trip recap posts in detail, but I’d be more than delighted to be able to get it on if there is enough interest.

If you’re not interested , no worries! I time supposed I’d see if fairly beings were interested before I decided whether I’d apply the time into writing the upright or not!


After Iceland, we came home for about 36 hours and then we left again for Utah to meet up with all of my extended family for one of our yearly expeditions together.


I shared a little peek into how we organize all of the meat for the journey now.



We went on this trip with all 27 other members of my extended family( my parents+ 3 brothers& 3 sisters& all their spouses and kids! This excursion was my Dad’s Christmas gift to us all.

It was full of laughter, taunting, long talks, lots of cooking( and cleaning up !), dive, hiking, ping-pong, kitty, singing together, learning God’s Word, catching mouse( hey, we’d rather have to deal with mice than cockroaches or snakes, right ?), patronizing at Smith’s for the first time( it’s just like Kroger and I knew some huge markdowns !), volleyball, fluctuating on the huge tire shake, and really taking in the breath-taking goal here.

We attained so many fun and special retentions! And then we pate off on July 1 to visit Wyoming( yes, we visited both Grand Teton, Yellowstone !), Montana, and Idaho! I’ll tell you more about our time visiting those states in my July recap!

Read more: moneysavingmom.com

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